hOMe of Yummy Self Care

DIY – Immune Boosting Herbal Fire Cider

It’s that time of year where the days are short, vitamin-D levels go down, immune system suffers and the flu/viruses run rampant! Here is an herbal remedy to use to boost your fight against catching the crap that is going around. You want to get on making this today because it should sit for 2-4 […]

DIY – White Tea, Lavender Flowers and Honey Mask

You can drink your tea and wear it too! White Tea has an amazing amount of antioxidants and it is good for us from the inside out! Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it’s time you treat it as such… give it the love it deserves. A little bit about White […]

DIY – Herbal Mask

Herbs have multiple purposes and there are several ways to benefit from them. Teas, tinctures, seasonings for food, extractions, compresses and poultices to name a few. Using them as a facial mask falls in the poultices and or compresses category. Difference between a poultice and compress is the technique. A poultice is usually the application […]