Private Yoga Sessions
Want to dive deeper into your practice or just prefer 1 on 1 yoga vs going to a big studio or want to avoid the heat of ‘HOT yoga’ then private yoga might be for you. Traditionally Yoga and Wellness was passed on generation to generation, a trusted family friend or maybe even a Guru […]
Jealousy and Abundance

Jealousy and Abundance – one way of thinking will hold you back, take you no where, and let time pass you by. The other way of thinking will open up doors to a whole new way of life!
Yoga for Athletes, aka the Over Trained and Under Stretched Body!

Yoga for Athletes, aka the Over Trained and Under Stretched Body! Yeah? Did that headline speak to you? Is your body over-trained, overworked, stiff, and losing mobility? If you said yes, then I totally respect your mindset to accomplish so much, to be so strong, such an amazing athlete, and diligent to get your workout/training […]
Excuses, excuses…
I always make this mistake… I let myself become obsessed with the idea of traveling and feeling sorry for myself for not having been on a vacation in over 3 years! Spring break has brought this thinking on, hearing everyones stories of their adventures, while I continue to plug along at my job(s). It’s been even […]
Self Love
No excuses, make time for yourself, self love, you deserve feeling better and it is up to you to make it happen. To make this even more accessible, I have created a downloadable PDF with gentle yoga postures in it, that ANYONE can do. There are “chair” yoga options for those who need them and […]