hOMe of Yummy Self Care

I drink Triphala before bed every night.

The bulk powdered version is the best way to take it.

In Ayurveda TASTE is a big part of the benefits of using food and herbs as medicine for your body.

So if you take it in capsule form, which is available, then you are lowering your odds of the amazing benefits that Triphala has to offer when you by-pass the taste.

Plus… you are spending more money… it isn’t cheap to encapsulate herbs, it takes extra labor and packaging.

4 ounces will last a long time and should cost less than $10, depending on your source. (DM me if if you want suggestions)

Suggestion for drinking, or rather this is how I drink it.

Start with an 1/8 of a teaspoon… some people can take up to a 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon… but until you figure out how your body responds or how much it needs then start small.

The beauty of Ayurveda is that it doesn’t assume we are all the same, we are all individuals. You know you have too much if your shit is too loose or runny the next morning!

Honestly – You can learn a lot from you own shit!

I stir up the powder in no more than 4 ounces of water – hot enough to make a tea, but not boiling, then I let sit for 30-60 min to cool down to room temperature or at least a temp I can drink fast without burning myself!

Then I give it another stir to make sure the powder didn’t all settle too the bottom and then…

I CHUG it fast!!!

CHASE it down with another 4-8 ounces of fresh water! You do want to drink plenty of water with this because water is part of the cleansing benefits. However the less you mix with the powder, the less you have to swallow!


For those of you who think you will FORGET to do this every night… here is a tip:

I make this infusion (tea) after dinner – while I am cleaning up the kitchen… then I let it sit… honestly most of the time it sits for up to 3 hours or more if I had an early dinner… In the instructions above I put in 30-60 minutes because that would be fine too… but if you are worried about forgetting then I haven’t read anywhere that it will loose TOO much value if it sits for a couple of hours before drinking. If it sat for days, yes, but not for a couple of hours… especially if this is the only way you can remember to take it… forgetting or ignoring it loses ALL value!!! So this method is better than NOT drinking it!

Share with anyone you think could use some Triphala!

peace • love • abundance
– Renee