Jealousy and Abundance

Jealousy and Abundance – one way of thinking will hold you back, take you no where, and let time pass you by. The other way of thinking will open up doors to a whole new way of life!
Who is Right? Who is Wrong?
Working a shift at my part time job at a well known health food store, (not sure I can actually mention their name without permission, so I will keep it out!) in the supplement and body care department is always a very interesting and a learning experience, for many reasons! The main reasons are; Someone […]
Excuses, excuses…
I always make this mistake… I let myself become obsessed with the idea of traveling and feeling sorry for myself for not having been on a vacation in over 3 years! Spring break has brought this thinking on, hearing everyones stories of their adventures, while I continue to plug along at my job(s). It’s been even […]
5 Good Habits of a Professional Yoga Teacher.
5 Good Habits of a Professional Yoga Teacher/Instructor… Yes, I consider myself a professional! And you should too, if you want to go from good to great! Teaching Yoga is a huge responsibility and it should be treated as a profession. Recently I found out that I came in 3rd on the most yoga classes […]
As a Yoga Instructor do you know Ayurveda? The Sister Science to Yoga?
Did you know that Ayurveda is the “sister science” of Yoga? And as a matter of fact if you are teaching or doing yoga for the “health benefits” then you are actually practicing Ayurveda and NOT just Yoga! Which if you are teaching yoga and teaching the health benefits of doing yoga, then you should […]