hOMe of Yummy Self Care

I am navigating the sea of ‘self-care’.
Because who else knows me better than I know myself!

No one else can feel my pain or the discomfort in my body daily!

But where to start… there is a lot of information out there…

One article will say “coffee is evil and butter makes you fat”.

The next article says drinking “butter IN your coffee” will help you lose weight and help your brain think clearly!

I know I am not alone with all this confusion.

Plus the rising cost of ‘Health Care’, prescriptions, and the mass amount of hype around fad diets – how does someone navigate the world of ‘Self-Care’ I ask myself.

For over a decade as a full-time Yoga Instructor, I have taught Yoga to thousands of people in yoga studios who are looking for relief from their ailments or stress.

You could be or have been one of them!

There are days when I felt like 1 hour with my students wasn’t long enough to truly share the full scope of what Yoga has to offer side by side with its sister science of ‘Ayurveda’.

Ayurveda has been around FOREVER… and is meant to be practiced alongside Yoga. 

I have found great relief from ‘the CONFUSION’ when I practice Ayurveda myself as it helps me realize we are NOT ALL THE SAME!

It helps me understand WHY having ‘butter in your coffee’ does work for some, but not everyone!

You can join me, with peace, love, abundance, and sharing in mind to help us all navigate through the sea of ‘Self-Care’ with healthy daily rituals and listening to our body’s individual needs.

I practice this because I should know myself better than anyone else and it is up to me to take care of my body.

peace • love • abundance
